What is Cu2(PO4)2? Important knowledge about Cu2(PO4)2.

  1. Definition of Cu2(PO4)2

Cu2(PO4)2, also known as Copper(II) Phosphate, is a chemical compound consisting of two copper atoms, two phosphorus atoms, and eight oxygen atoms. In English, this substance is called Copper(II) Phosphate. With a total atomic mass of 380.58 g/mol, its molecular structure includes two Copper(II) ions Cu2+, and two phosphate ions PO4 3-.

  1. Properties: Cu2(PO4)2

2.1 Physical properties of Cu2(PO4)2: Copper(II) Phosphate is a solid in crystal form, with a green or slightly green color. This substance is odorless and has a neutral PH level.

2.2 Chemical properties of Cu2(PO4)2: Cu2(PO4)2 is insoluble in water and hardly soluble in acid. Copper phosphate typically does not react with metals, acids, or salts.

  1. Common chemical equations

Copper phosphate typically does not participate in common chemical reactions such as metal, acid, non-metal, or salt reactions due to its insoluble and chemically stable properties.

  1. Synthesis of Cu2(PO4)2

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Cu2(PO4)2: Copper(II) Phosphate can be synthesized through the reaction between Copper(II) Sulfate and Sodium Phosphate.
CuSO4 + 2Na3PO4 -> Cu3(PO4)2 + 3Na2SO4

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Cu2(PO4)2: Copper phosphate is typically not synthesized on an industrial scale because of its insolubility and limited applications.

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