What is PbSO3? Important knowledge about PbSO3.

  1. Definition of PbSO3
    PbSO3, also known as plumbic sulfide or lead(II) sulfite, is an inorganic compound with the formula PbSO3. In English, it is referred to as Lead(II) sulfite. This substance is composed of Pb, S and O atoms. The molecular weight of PbSO3 is 287.26 g/mol. The molecular structure of it is Pb-S-O3, and its ionic structure is Pb2+ and SO3-.

  2. Properties of PbSO3
    The physical properties of PbSO3 include: it is a solid, colorless and odorless substance at room conditions. It has a neutral pH level. The chemical properties of PbSO3 include: it readily reacts with strong acids to form corresponding salts.

  3. Common chemical equations involving PbSO3
    PbSO3 can react with metals, acids, non-metals and salts under suitable conditions. For example: PbSO3 + 2HCl -> PbCl2 + SO2 + H2O.

  4. Preparation of PbSO3
    The preparation of PbSO3 in the laboratory is usually carried out by reacting Pb(NO3)2 with SO2 in a dilute acidic environment. In industry, PbSO3 is typically produced based on the reaction between PbO and SO2.

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