What is PbS? Important knowledge about PbS.

  1. Definition of PbS
    PbS, also commonly known as Galena, is a chemical compound of lead and sulfur. Its English name is Lead(II) sulfide. PbS contains one molecule of lead and one molecule of sulfur. The atomic mass of lead is 207.2 and that of sulfur is 32.07, therefore the molecular mass of PbS is 239.27 g/mol. The ionic structure of PbS consists of Pb2+ and S2- ions.

  2. Properties of PbS
    PbS has very special physical properties. It is solid at room temperature, black or lead-gray in color, odorless, and has a neutral pH value. The chemical properties of PbS include its reactivity with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts.

  3. Common chemical equations of PbS
    PbS can react with many different substances. For example, it can react with nitric acid to produce lead nitrate and sulfur, or react with nitrogen oxide to produce lead nitrate. PbS can also react with nonmetals such as oxygen, chlorine, and fluorine.

  4. Preparation of PbS
    PbS can be prepared in the laboratory by reacting lead with sulfur or sulfur salts. Industrially, PbS is usually prepared from lead ore containing sulfur.

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