What is FeSO3? Important knowledge about FeSO3.

FeSO3, also known as iron sulphite or ferrous sulfite, consists of 1 iron atom (Fe), 1 sulfur atom (S) and 3 oxygen atoms (O). The atomic mass of FeSO3 is 151.907 g/mol.

The ion structure of FeSO3 is Fe2+ and SO3 2-. Ferrous sulfite appears as green to grayish-green crystals. It has no distinctive odor and has a neutral pH level.

FeSO3 has very special chemical properties. It easily reacts with oxygen and water to form iron(III) salt and sulfuric acid, simultaneously releasing heat.

FeSO3 + O2 + H2O -> FeSO4 + H2SO4

FeSO3 can also react with strong acids such as hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid to form the corresponding salts and sulfur gas compounds:

FeSO3 + 2HCl -> FeCl2 + H2SO3

FeSO3 + H2SO4 -> FeSO4 + H2SO3

In the laboratory, FeSO3 can be synthesized through the reaction between Fe and H2SO3. On an industrial scale, FeSO3 is usually produced from the reaction between Fe(II) and SO2.

Thus, FeSO3 is an important chemical substance with many special properties and applications. It is hoped that students will better understand this substance through today’s lecture.

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