What is Li2Fe2O4? Important knowledge about Li2Fe2O4

  1. Definition of Li2Fe2O4

Li2Fe2O4, also known as lithium ferrospinell or lithium iron (II,III) oxide, is a complex compound of lithium, iron, and oxygen. The molar mass of this substance is approximately 221.64 g/mol. The molecule of Li2Fe2O4 consists of 2 atoms of lithium, 2 atoms of iron, and 4 atoms of oxygen. In this compound, both lithium and iron are ionized, forming Li+ and Fe2+ or Fe3+ ions, while oxygen forms O2- ions.

  1. Chemical properties of Li2Fe2O4

Li2Fe2O4 commonly appears as a red-brown or black powder, odorless. It is stable at room temperature. The specific chemical properties of Li2Fe2O4 have not been fully studied, but it is generally very stable and durable.

  1. Common chemical equations of Li2Fe2O4

The specific chemical reactions that Li2Fe2O4 participates in are not clear, especially reactions with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts. However, Li2Fe2O4 is known as an important compound in the field of lithium-ion batteries, where it acts as a conductive material.

  1. Synthesis of Li2Fe2O4

Li2Fe2O4 can be synthesized in the laboratory and is also industrially produced. A common method to synthesize Li2Fe2O4 is through the reaction between lithium and iron oxide in a high-temperature environment. At the industrial level, Li2Fe2O4 is often produced through more complex synthesis methods including thermal process and sol-gel process.

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