What is FeS? Important knowledge about FeS.

  1. Definition of FeS
    FeS, also commonly known as Iron Pyrite or Pyrite Fe, is a chemical compound consisting of the two basic elements of iron (Fe) and sulfur (S). Its English name is Iron(II) Sulfide. Its molar mass is 87.91 g/mol. FeS has an atomic structure that consists of one iron ion and one sulfur ion.

  2. Properties of FeS
    FeS is stable under normal conditions, colorless and odorless. Its pH ranges from 4 to 9. The chemical properties of FeS include oxidation reactions, reduction reactions, and reactions with acids.

  3. Common chemical reactions of FeS include:

  4. Synthesis of FeS

    • Laboratory synthesis: FeS can be synthesized in the laboratory by reacting iron with sulfur.
    • Industrial synthesis: In industry, FeS is synthesized through the process of roasting iron with sulfur in an air environment.

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