What is As4Se9? Important knowledge about As4Se9.

  1. As4Se9 is also known as Arsenic (IV) Selenide or Arsenic Selenide in English. As4Se9 is a type of non-metal compound, consisting of 4 atoms of Arsenic (As) and 9 atoms of Selenium (Se). This indicates that the structure of the As4Se9 molecule is quite complex. The molecular weight of As4Se9 is 988.36 g/mol. Moreover, due to its relatively complex molecular structure, As4Se9 does not form simple ions.

  2. As4Se9 has many characteristic properties. Physical properties: As4Se9 is solid, black, odorless, insoluble in water, and its pH is not determinable. Chemical properties: As4Se9 is stable with normal temperature and pressure, does not react with air, water, is insoluble in acids and bases.

  3. As4Se9 does not often participate in common chemical reactions, so there are not many examples of its reactions with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts.

  4. In terms of As4Se9 synthesis, it is typically synthesized directly from the elements As and Se.
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis: Arsenic and Selenium are heated in a glass tube, where both elements will react with each other to form As4Se9.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis: In industry, As4Se9 is produced by burning Arsenic and Selenium in a furnace at high temperatures.

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