What is As2S5? Important knowledge about As2S5.

  1. Definition of As2S5
    As2S5, also known as Arsenic pentasulfide, belongs to the compound group of Arsenic (As) and Sulfur (S). It is made up of two arsenic atoms and five sulfur atoms, constituting the As2S5 molecule. The molar mass of As2S5 includes 2 arsenic atoms and 5 sulfur atoms, with a total mass of 310.07 g/mol. In the As2S5 molecule, As and S form covalent bonds to constitute a complex ion.

  2. Properties of As2S5
    In standard conditions, As2S5 is solid with a characteristic yellow color. This substance has no specific smell and is insoluble in water. The chemical properties of As2S5 depend on environmental conditions as well as other components in the reaction.

  3. Common chemical equations involving As2S5
    There are many chemical reactions involving As2S5. Some examples of metal, acid, non-metal, and salt reactions with As2S5 will be discussed and introduced in the textbook.

  4. Synthesis of As2S5
    As2S5 can be synthesized through laboratory or industrial methods. In the lab, As2S5 can be synthesized through the reaction of arsenic with sulfur. On an industrial scale, As2S5 is usually produced through the reaction between arsenic trichloride and hydrogen sulfide.

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