What is As2S3? Important knowledge about As2S3

  1. Definition of As2S3
    As2S3, often known as Arsenic Trisulfide, is a compound of Arsenic and Sulfur. Its molecular weight is 246.02 atomic mass units (u). The molecular structure of As2S3 consists of 2 Arsenic atoms and 3 Sulfur atoms. It does not generate ions under normal conditions.

  2. Properties: As2S3
    As2S3 is a solid compound appearing as yellow to orange crystals. It is odorless. As2S3 does not dissolve in water and lacks ionizing ability, so its pH is undefined. Chemically, As2S3 can react with strong oxidizing agents.

  3. Common chemical reactions of As2S3
    As As2S3 is primarily a compound of Arsenic and Sulfur, reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts are not common. However, it can react with strong oxidizing agents to form Arsenic Pentoxide (As2O5) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2).

  4. Preparation of As2S3
    As2S3 can be prepared in the laboratory by chemically synthesizing from Arsenic and Sulfur. On an industrial scale, it is typically produced from the reaction between Arsenic and Sulfur in an air environment.

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