What is As2O2S? Important knowledge about As2O2S.

  1. Definition of As2O2S

As2O2S is commonly known as Thioarsenit acid, or Arsenous thiooxide. It is a compound of Arsenic, Oxygen and Sulfur. The atomic mass of As2O2S consists of 2 atoms of Arsenic, 2 atoms of Oxygen and 1 atom of Sulfur. The atomic mass in mol units of each atom in the molecule – Arsenic is 74.92, Oxygen is 16 and Sulfur is 32.1. Therefore, the molecular weight of As2O2S is about 198 grams/mol.

  1. Properties of As2O2S

2.1 Physical properties of As2O2S

As2O2S usually appears as a solid, with a pale yellow color, odorless and has a neutral pH.

2.2 Chemical properties of As2O2S

As2O2S is very slightly soluble in water, but easily soluble in strong acid or alkali solutions. It also easily reacts with strong oxidizing agents to form other Oxygen and Sulfur compounds.

  1. Common chemical equations of As2O2S

Currently, there are not many reports on specific chemical reactions of As2O2S with Metals, Acids, Nonmetals or Salts.

  1. Synthesis of As2O2S

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of As2O2S

In the lab, As2O2S can be synthesized through the reaction of Arsenic with Hydrogen sulfide.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of As2O2S

On an industrial scale, As2O2S is usually synthesized from the refining process of Arsenic from sulfur or from the deoxygenation process of Arsenic by Sulfur.

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