What is Pb3O4? Important knowledge about Pb3O4.

  1. Definition of Pb3O4

Pb3O4, also known as Pham, Red lead, or English Red, is called Minium or Red lead in English. It is a compound of lead and oxygen, with a total atomic mass of 685.6 g/mol. The atomic mass of lead is 207.2 g/mol, and oxygen is 16 g/mol. The molecular structure consists of 3 lead atoms and 4 oxygen atoms, with no ions in its structure.

  1. Properties: Pb3O4

Pb3O4 is solid at room temperature, has an orange-red color, no distinctive smell, is insoluble in water, and has no pH value. The chemical properties of Pb3O4 depend on changes in temperature, pressure, and environment.

  1. Common chemical equations for Pb3O4

Pb3O4 does not react directly with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts. However, it can interact with other substances when mixed with water or other solvents.

  1. Preparation of Pb3O4

The preparation of Pb3O4 in the laboratory is typically done by reacting PbO (Lead II oxide) with O2 (Oxygen) at high temperatures. In industry, Pb3O4 is produced by heating PbO in air.

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