What is As2H4O5? Important knowledge about As2H4O5.

  1. Definition of As2H4O5

As2H4O5, also known as Arsenic pentaoxide, is a chemical substance with a molar mass of 230.84g/mol. The As2H4O5 molecule consists of 2 Arsenic atoms, 4 Hydrogen atoms, and 5 Oxygen atoms. In the As2H4O5 molecule, Arsenic bonds with Oxygen to form the ion [AsO3]3- and Hydrogen bonds with Oxygen to form the [OH]- ion.

  1. Properties: As2H4O5

As2H4O5 appears in the form of white or pale yellow crystalline particles, with no smell. The pH level of As2H4O5 is quite high, indicating that it has strong acidity. Chemically, As2H4O5 is very susceptible to oxidation and can react with many other substances such as metals, acids, non-metals, or salts.

  1. Chemical equation for as2h4o5

As2H4O5 rarely reacts directly with metals, acids, or non-metals. However, under certain conditions, it can react with various salts, producing complex products.

  1. Synthesis of As2H4O5

In the lab, As2H4O5 is usually synthesized by reacting white Arsenic with Oxygen in the air in the presence of steam. In industry, As2H4O5 is produced by oxidizing Arsenic with Oxygen in a high-pressure reactor.

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