What is As2H4O2? Important knowledge about As2H4O2.

  1. Definition of As2H4O2

As2H4O2, known as arsenic acid, has chemical properties similar to arsenic (V) oxide. The English name of this substance is Arsenic acid. The molar mass of As2H4O2 is 228 g/mol. The molecular structure of As2H4O2 consists of two As atoms, four H atoms, and two O atoms. However, As2H4O2 does not form ions in aqueous solution.

  1. Properties of As2H4O2

2.1 Physical properties of As2H4O2

As2H4O2 is solid, white, and odorless. The pH of this substance is 1, indicating that it is a strong acid.

2.2 Chemical properties of As2H4O2

As2H4O2 reacts with metals to form arsenate salts, but does not react with acids. It also does not react with nonmetals.

  1. Common chemical reactions of As2H4O2

Since As2H4O2 does not react with metals, acids, or nonmetals, there are no ready-made chemical equations for these reactions.

  1. Synthesis of As2H4O2

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of As2H4O2

As2H4O2 can be synthesized through the reaction between arsenic (V) oxide and water.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of As2H4O2

The industrial synthesis of As2H4O2 is usually carried out through the reaction between arsenic (V) oxide and water under high temperature and pressure conditions.

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