What is PH3? Important knowledge about PH3.

  1. Definition of PH3:

PH3, also known as Phosphine, is a chemical compound with a molar mass of 34.00. This compound consists of one Phosphorus atom and three Hydrogen atoms linked together to form a molecule. The atomic mass of the Phosphorus atom is 30.97 and that of Hydrogen is 1.01. Phosphine does not form ions in a neutral environment.

  1. Properties:

2.1 Physical properties of PH3: Phosphine is a gas at standard conditions, colorless but has an unpleasant smell. Therefore, it is often used in tasks such as fumigation and pest control. The pH of PH3 is neutral.

2.2 Chemical properties of PH3: PH3 has the ability to react with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts.

  1. Common chemical reactions of PH3:

Metal reaction: PH3 does not usually react directly with metals.

Acid reaction: PH3 reacts with strong acids to form salts and hydrogen.

Non-metal reaction: PH3 reacts with non-metals like O2, Cl2 to form phosphorus oxide or chloride compounds.

  1. Synthesis of PH3:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of PH3: PH3 can be prepared by heating calcium phosphide (Ca3P2) with water.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of PH3: In industry, PH3 is often produced by reacting dicalcium phosphate (CaHPO4) with animal fat at high temperatures.

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