What is LiH2PO4? Important knowledge about LiH2PO4.

  1. Definition of LiH2PO4

LiH2PO4, also known as Phosphoric acid lithium salt or Lithium dihydrogen phosphate in English, is a chemical substance with a molecular mass of 115.93 g/mol. The atomic mass of LiH2PO4 is 115.93 g/mol. The molecule of LiH2PO4 consists of 1 Lithium atom (Li), 2 Hydrogen atoms (H), 1 Phosphorous atom (P), and 4 Oxygen atoms (O). In an aqueous solution, LiH2PO4 will dissociate into Li+ and H2PO4- ions.

  1. Properties: LiH2PO4

LiH2PO4 is a solid, white, and odorless substance. The pH value of a LiH2PO4 solution in water is around 4.5, indicating its characteristic acidity. LiH2PO4 is heat-resistant and has the ability to withstand strong acidic environments.

  1. Common chemical equations of LiH2PO4

LiH2PO4 mainly participates in reactions with metals, acids, and salts. Some examples of the chemical reactions of LiH2PO4 include:

  1. Synthesis of LiH2PO4

LiH2PO4 is typically synthesized in the laboratory through the reaction between lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and phosphoric acid (H3PO4). Industrially, LiH2PO4 is usually produced from the reaction between lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) and phosphoric acid (H3PO4) under suitable temperature and pressure conditions.

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