What is P2S25? Important Knowledge about P2S25

  1. Definition of P2S25

P2S25 is a chemical compound consisting of two elements: Phosphorus and Sulfur. In this compound, each molecule contains 2 atoms of Phosphorus and 5 atoms of Sulfur.

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Diphosphorus Pentasulfide
1.1.2 English name: Diphosphorus Pentasulfide
1.2. Atomic mass: P2S25 contains 2 atoms of Phosphorus and 5 atoms of Sulfur.
1.3. Atomic weight: The total weight of 2 Phosphorus atoms and 5 Sulfur atoms.
1.3.1 Molecular structure: The P2S25 molecule consists of 2 phosphorus atoms bonded with 5 sulfur atoms.
1.4 Ion structure: P2S25 is not an ion, it is a molecular compound.

  1. Properties: P2S25

2.1 Physical properties of P2S25
State: Solid at room temperature
Color: Reddish-brown to black
Smell: Odorless
PH: Not applicable as P2S25 is a solid
2.2 Chemical properties of P2S25: It reacts with water to form phosphoric acid and sulfur.

  1. Common chemical equation for P2S25
    Reaction with water: P2S25 + 4H2O -> 2H3PO4 + 5S

  2. Preparation of P2S25

4.1 Laboratory preparation of P2S25: P2S25 can be prepared by reacting red Phosphorus with Sulfur.
4.2 Industrial preparation of P2S25: P2S25 is used in industry for the preparation of other sulfur compounds.

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