The equation 2AgNO3 + H2SO4 -> 2HNO3 + Ag2SO4

  1. Detailed Information about the Equation 2AgNO3 + H2SO4 -> 2HNO3 + Ag2SO4

The above chemical equation describes the reaction process between silver nitrate (AgNO3) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to form nitric acid (HNO3) and silver sulfate (Ag2SO4).

  1. Reaction Conditions

The reaction occurs when there is a direct contact between the reactants, usually easily occurs in solution.

  1. Reaction Process

When silver nitrate (AgNO3) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) come into contact with each other, they react to form nitric acid (HNO3) and silver sulfate (Ag2SO4). In this process, the Ag+ ions from AgNO3 will combine with the SO4– ions from H2SO4 to form Ag2SO4, and the NO3- ions from AgNO3 will combine with the H+ ions from H2SO4 to form HNO3.

  1. Occurred Phenomena

When the reaction process occurs, the white precipitate of silver sulfate (Ag2SO4) will appear in the solution. At the same time, the solution will also give off the characteristic smell of nitric acid (HNO3).

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