The chemical equation BaCO3 + HNO3 -> Ba(NO3)2 + H2O + CO2

  1. Detailed information about the chemical equation:
  • BaCO3 is the chemical formula of Barium Carbonate, a white solid that is insoluble in water.
  • HNO3 is the chemical formula of Nitric Acid, a pale yellow liquid that is very strong and has the potential to cause fire and explosion.
  • Ba(NO3)2 is the chemical formula of Barium Nitrate, a white solid.
  • H2O is the chemical formula of water.
  • CO2 is the chemical formula of Carbon Dioxide, a colorless gas.
  1. Reaction conditions: This reaction occurs under normal temperature and pressure conditions.

  2. Reaction Process: When Barium Carbonate reacts with Nitric Acid, it produces Barium Nitrate, water and Carbon Dioxide.

  3. Phenomena occurring: When the reaction takes place, one can see Carbon Dioxide gas bubbles rising up. This is because Carbon Dioxide is produced from the reaction and escapes in the form of gas.

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