What is N2H24? Important knowledge about N2H24.

  1. Definition of N2H24

N2H24, commonly known as Hydrazin or Anhydrous Hydrazine, is a chemical compound with two nitrogen (N) atoms and four hydrogen (H) atoms. The molecular weight of N2H24 is 32.05 g/mol. The molecular structure of N2H24 is N2H4, with two nitrogen atoms connected by a single covalent bond and each nitrogen atom connected to two hydrogen atoms. N2H24 does not form ions.

  1. Properties: N2H24

Physical properties of N2H24: N2H24 is a colorless liquid with a distinctive smell. Its pH is nearly neutral. Chemical properties of N2H24: N2H24 is very easily oxidized and can react with many different substances.

  1. Common chemical equations of N2H24

N2H24 does not react with metals, acids, or salts. N2H24 is primarily used in chemical reactions as a reducing agent.

  1. Synthesis of N2H24

In the laboratory, N2H24 is often synthesized through the reaction between sodium hypochlorite and ammonia. Industrially, N2H24 is synthesized from ammonia and hydrochloric acid using the Raschig method.

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