What is PbF4? Important knowledge about PbF4.

  1. Definition of PbF4

PbF4, also known as Lead (II) Tetrafluoride, is a chemical compound consisting of lead (Pb) and fluorine (F) atoms. In PbF4, lead forms Pb2+ ions and each fluorine in this compound forms F- ions.

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Lead (II) Tetrafluoride
1.1.2 English name: Lead (II) fluoride
1.2. Atomic mass: 245.2 g/mol
1.3. Atomic weight: Lead: 207.2 g/mol, Fluorine: 19 g/mol
1.3.1 Molecular structure: PbF4 contains 1 lead atom and 4 fluorine atoms
1.4 Ion structure: Pb2+ and 4F-

  1. Properties: PbF4

2.1 Physical properties of PbF4
State: Solid at room temperature
Color: White
Smell: Odorless
PH value: Not applicable as it is insoluble in water
2.2 Chemical properties of PbF4: It is a strong oxidizing agent

  1. Common chemical reactions of PbF4: PbF4 hardly reacts with metals, acids, salts or nonmetals.

  2. Synthesis of PbF4

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of PbF4: PbF4 can be synthesized by reacting PbO2 and HF
4.2 Industrial synthesis of PbF4: PbF4 can also be produced from the reaction between PbO, F2 and O2 at high temperature.

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