What is PbCl4? Important knowledge about PbCl4.

1.1 PbCl4, also known as Lead (IV) chloride in English. It is a compound of two elements: Lead (Pb) and Chlorine (Cl). A molecule of PbCl4 consists of one atom of Lead and four atoms of Chlorine. The atomic mass of Pb is 207.2 and of Cl is 35.5. Therefore, the atomic mass of PbCl4 is 207.2 + 4*35.5 = 348g/mol. In PbCl4, the lead (II) atom coordinates tetrachloride to form the PbCl4^2– ion.

2.1 PbCl4 is a solid, white, and odorless substance. It has a neutral pH.
2.2 PbCl4 can react with high temperatures to produce PbCl2 and Cl2. Additionally, it can react with water to produce Pb(OH)2 and HCl.

  1. Common chemical equations of PbCl4:

  2. Synthesis of PbCl4:
    4.1 In the laboratory, PbCl4 can be synthesized by reacting Lead with Chlorine at high temperatures.
    4.2 On an industrial scale, PbCl4 is usually produced through the electrolysis process of PbCl2 solution in a strong acid environment.

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