The equation BaS + H2O -> Ba(OH)2 + H2S

  1. Detailed information about the equation BaS + H2O -> Ba(OH)2 + H2S:

    • BaS is Barium sulfide, a white, odorless solid. Barium sulfide is widely used in the industrial production of fertilizers, synthetic colors and glass.
    • H2O is water, which undergoes chemical reactions under various conditions.
    • Ba(OH)2 is Barium hydroxide, a white solid that can absorb CO2 from the air, creating barium carbonate.
    • H2S is Hydrogen sulfide, a colorless gas that smells like rotten eggs.
  2. Reaction conditions:

    • For the reaction to occur, BaS and water need to come into contact. In addition, the reaction also requires sufficient temperature and pressure.
  3. Reaction process:

    • Essentially, when BaS comes into contact with water, it decomposes, creating Ba(OH)2 and H2S. Ba(OH)2 then continues to react with CO2 in the air to form barium carbonate.
  4. Observations:

    • When the reaction occurs, you can see the color change of the solid from white (BaS) to another color (Ba(OH)2 or barium carbonate if CO2 is present).
    • In addition, the foul smell of H2S can be detected.

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