What is PbBr3? Important knowledge about PbBr3

  1. Definition of PbBr3

PbBr3, also known as Mercury bromide (II), is a colorless solid formed from the reaction of mercury and bromine. Its English name is Mercury bromide. PbBr3 is a compound formed by Pb2+ ions and Br- ions, along with 3 atoms of bromine. The molecular mass of PbBr3 is 449.492 g/mol. In the molecular model of PbBr3, the plumb atom (Pb) is linked to 3 bromine atoms (Br) with ionic bonds.

  1. Properties of PbBr3

PbBr3 is a colorless solid with a stable state. There is no specific information about its smell. In aqueous environment, PbBr3 has a neutral pH. The chemical properties of PbBr3 include its ability to react with strong acids like HCl to form new compounds.

  1. Common chemical equations with PbBr3

PbBr3 can participate in many types of chemical reactions such as reaction with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts. However, specific information and examples for each type of reaction are not provided.

  1. Synthesis of PbBr3

PbBr3 can be synthesized in the laboratory through the reaction between Pb and Br. On an industrial scale, PbBr3 is often produced from the reaction between Pb and Br in an aqueous environment.

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