What is PbBr2? Important knowledge about PbBr2.

  1. Definition of PbBr2

PbBr2 is the chemical symbol for Bromide lead(II), also known as Plumbous bromide in English. It is a colorless or slightly white compound. PbBr2 consists of one lead (II) ion (Pb2+) and two bromide ions (Br-). Each PbBr2 molecule contains one lead atom and two brom atoms. The molar mass of PbBr2 is 367.01 g/mol.

  1. Properties of PbBr2

2.1 Physical properties of PbBr2: PbBr2 is a solid at room temperature, colorless to slightly white, with no characteristic odor. The pH value of PbBr2 solution is not clearly defined because it is slightly soluble in water.

2.2 Chemical properties of PbBr2: PbBr2 is relatively inactive under normal conditions. However, it can react with strong oxidizing agents or hot concentrated acid.

  1. Common chemical equations of PbBr2

PbBr2 is mainly used in the chemical industry to produce other types of compounds.

  1. Synthesis of PbBr2

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of PbBr2: PbBr2 can be synthesized from lead and bromine.

Pb(s) + Br2(g)â -> ž” PbBr2(s)

4.2 Industrial synthesis of PbBr2: PbBr2 is usually produced in a similar manner as in the laboratory but on a larger scale.

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