What is Sn3N4? Important knowledge about Sn3N4.

  1. Definition of Sn3N4

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Tin nitride
1.1.2 English name: Tin nitride
1.2. Atomic mass: The total atomic mass of Sn3N4 is 3 atoms of Sn (118.71) and 4 atoms of N (14.01), for a total of 385.14.
1.3. Atomic weight: In a molecule of Sn3N4 there are 3 atoms of Sn and 4 atoms of N.
1.3.1 Molecular structure: The Sn3N4 molecule is made up of 3 atoms of Sn combined with 4 atoms of N.
1.4 Ion structure: In this compound, Sn and N do not form ions.

  1. Properties: Sn3N4

2.1 Physical properties of Sn3N4
Status: Powder form.
Color: Black gray.
Odor: No special odor.
PH level: Not applicable, as this is not an acidic/basic substance.
2.2 Chemical properties of Sn3N4: Very few reactions with other substances.

  1. Common chemical equation for Sn3N4: Sn3N4 does not often participate in chemical reactions.

  2. Synthesis of Sn3N4:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Sn3N4: Sn3N4 can be synthesized by heating tin (Sn) in nitrogen gas (N2) at high temperature.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Sn3N4: The industrial synthesis process of Sn3N4 typically controls temperature and pressure to ensure maximum reaction efficiency.

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