What is Sn2Br4? Important knowledge about Sn2Br4.

  1. Sn2Br4 is a chemical compound known by its common name as Tin (IV) Bromide. This compound has a molar mass of 439.33 g/mol, with the atomic mass of Sn (Tin) being 118.71 g/mol and Br (Bromine) being 79.9 g/mol. The Sn2Br4 molecule consists of 2 Sn4+ ions and 4 Br- ions.

  2. Characteristics of Sn2Br4:
    2.1. Physical properties: Sn2Br4 presents as a solid, white or faint in color, with no distinctive odor. The pH of Sn2Br4 is not determined as it is insoluble in water.
    2.2. Chemical properties: Sn2Br4 is an extremely unstable substance. It readily decomposes into SnBr2 and Br2 when heated. Additionally, it can react with other substances to form new compounds.

  3. The common chemical equations involving Sn2Br4 are primarily decomposition reactions or reactions with other metals. Currently, there are no specific examples for these reactions.

  4. Synthesis of Sn2Br4:
    4.1. Laboratory synthesis: Sn2Br4 is quite difficult to prepare in the lab due to its instability. Currently, there is no information on the laboratory synthesis of Sn2Br4.
    4.2. Industrial synthesis: Currently, there is no information on the industrial-scale synthesis of Sn2Br4.

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