What is SeO4? Important knowledge about SeO4.

SeO4, commonly known as selenate, is a molecular ion consisting of one selenium atom and four oxygen atoms. Its English name is Selenate. The atomic mass of selenium is 78.96 and of oxygen is 15.999, therefore, the total atomic mass of selenate is 174.96.

The molecular structure of SeO4 consists of a central selenium atom, connected to four oxygen atoms through covalent bonds. In the SeO4 ion, selenium carries a positive charge and the four oxygen atoms carry a negative charge, forming a tetrahedral-shaped ion.

In terms of physical properties, SeO4 typically exists as a white, odorless solid compound. The chemical properties of SeO4 are related to its oxidizing ability, allowing it to participate in redox reactions.

SeO4 molecules often appear in chemical reaction equations with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts. Some examples of these reactions may include the reaction of SeO4 with sodium to form sodium selenate, or its reaction with sulfuric acid to form selenic acid.

The preparation of SeO4 can be carried out in the laboratory through the oxidation of selenium by nitric acid or by reacting selenium with oxygen under high temperature conditions. Industrially, SeO4 is typically produced from selenium ores through an oxidation process.

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