What is H2SO3? Important knowledge about H2SO3

  1. Definition of H2SO3:

1.1 Names:

  • Common name: H2SO3 is called Sulfuric Acid, Sulfurous Acid or Sulfurous Acid.
  • English name: H2SO3 is called Sulfurous Acid.

1.2 Atomic mass: H2SO3 has an atomic mass of 82.

1.3 Molecular structure:
H2SO3 is composed of 2 Hydrogen atoms, 1 Sulfur atom and 3 Oxygen atoms.

1.4 Ion structure:
When dissociated, H2SO3 produces 2 Hydrogen ions (H+) and 1 Sulfur ion (SO3^2-).

  1. Properties of H2SO3:

2.1 Physical properties of H2SO3:

  • State: gaseous
  • Color: colorless
  • Odor: quite distinctive, quite pungent
  • pH: ranges from 1-3, it is a strong acid.

2.2 Chemical properties of H2SO3:
H2SO3 has oxidizing and reducing properties, can react with metals, non-metals and salts.

  1. Common chemical reactions of H2SO3:
    Depending on the reacting substance, H2SO3 can produce various reactions.

  2. Preparation of H2SO3:

4.1 Laboratory preparation of H2SO3:
H2SO3 can be prepared by reacting sulfur dioxide with water.

4.2 Industrial preparation of H2SO3:
H2SO3 is prepared from the oxidation of sulfur present in sulfide ores, then reacted with water to produce H2SO3.

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