What is Se6F6? Important Knowledge about Se6F6

Se6F6, also known as hexachloro-selenium or selenium hexafluoride, is a chemical compound primarily made up of selenium and fluorine. Se6F6 is easily soluble in acid, forming corresponding salts.

1.1. Its English name is Selenium hexafluoride.

1.2. The molar mass of Se6F6 is 108.96 + (18.9984 x 6) = 222.95 atomic mass units.

1.3. Each selenium atom is bonded to 6 fluorine atoms, forming an octahedral structure.

1.4. Se6F6 does not form ions, it exists as a molecule.

2.1 Physical properties of Se6F6:

– State: Gas
– Color: Colorless
– Smell: A quite distinctive smell, a bit like garlic
– pH: Not determined because it is a gas

2.2 Chemical properties of Se6F6:

– Very unstable in the air
– Very reactive with water, forming hydrofluoric acid and selenium dioxide

3. Se6F6 reacts with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts but does not always produce the desired results. The reaction will depend on the specific experimental conditions.

4.1 Preparation of Se6F6 in the laboratory:

– Reaction of selenium with fluorine under high temperature conditions
– From compounds containing selenium and fluorine

4.2 Industrial preparation of Se6F6 is mainly through the reaction between selenium and fluorine.

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