The equation MgSO4 + Ba(OH)2 -> BaSO4 + Mg(OH)2

  1. Detailed information about the equation MgSO4 + Ba(OH)2 -> BaSO4 + Mg(OH)2: This equation describes a double displacement reaction between magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) and barium hydroxide (Ba(OH)2), producing barium sulfate (BaSO4) – an insoluble solid in water and magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2).

To balance the equation, we must add the coefficient 2 before Mg(OH)2, the complete equation is as follows: MgSO4 + Ba(OH)2 -> BaSO4 + 2Mg(OH)2.

  1. Reaction conditions:
    This reaction occurs at room temperature and standard pressure.

  2. Reaction process:
    When magnesium sulfate and barium hydroxide come into contact with each other, the magnesium and barium ions will exchange each other. The barium ion combines with the sulfate ion to form barium sulfate, an insoluble solid in water. Meanwhile, the magnesium ion combines with the hydroxide ion to form magnesium hydroxide.

  3. Occurrence phenomenon:
    When the reaction occurs, we will see the initial mixture create a white precipitate of barium sulfate. This phenomenon proves that the reaction has taken place.

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