What is SiBr4? Important knowledge about SiBr4

  1. Definition of SiBr4
    SiBr4, also known as Tetra-bromosilane, is a chemical compound consisting of silicon and bromine. In the SiBr4 molecule, there is one silicon atom bonded with four bromine atoms. The molecular weight of SiBr4 is 347.695 g/mol. Structurally, the SiBr4 molecule has a tetrahedral structure, similar to the CH4 (methane) molecule in organic chemistry.

  2. Properties of SiBr4
    2.1 Physical properties of SiBr4
    SiBr4 is characterized by its solid state under standard conditions, with a white or colorless appearance. This substance has no distinctive smell and is non-polar, therefore it has no applicable pH value.
    2.2 Chemical properties of SiBr4
    SiBr4 has the ability to react with water to form HBr and SiO2. In addition, it can also react with metals to form bromide compounds of those metals.

  3. Common chemical equations involving SiBr4
    Due to its ability to react with water and metal, SiBr4 can form many different chemical equations. Specifically, SiBr4 can react with H2O to form HBr and SiO2, or react with metals such as Mg to form MgBr2 and Si.

  4. Synthesis of SiBr4
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of SiBr4
    SiBr4 can be synthesized through the reaction between SiCl4 and LiBr in a sulphuric anhydride solvent.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of SiBr4
    In industry, SiBr4 can be produced by reacting Br2 with Si at high temperatures.

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