What is Si4S3? Important knowledge about Si4S3

  1. Definition of Si4S3:

1.1 Names:

  • Common name: Silicon trisulfide
  • English name: Silicon trisulfide

1.2 Atomic structure of Si4S3: Si4S3 is composed of 4 silicon atoms and 3 sulfur atoms.

1.3 Atomic mass: The total atomic mass of Si4S3 is 308.678 g/mol, in which the atomic mass of silicon is 28.0855 g/mol and sulfur is 32.066 g/mol.

1.4 Ion configuration: Si4S3 does not contain ions, it is a solid, brown-black substance that is insoluble in water.

  1. Properties of Si4S3:

2.1 Physical properties: Si4S3 is a solid, brown-black, odorless substance that is insoluble in water. Its pH cannot be measured because it is insoluble in water.

2.2 Chemical properties: Si4S3 does not react with metals, acids, or non-metals. It only reacts with salts when heated.

  1. Common chemical reactions: For Si4S3, there are no typical chemical reactions with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts.

  2. Synthesis of Si4S3:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis: Due to its unique physical and chemical properties, Si4S3 cannot be synthesized in a typical chemistry laboratory.

4.2 Industrial synthesis: Si4S3 is not produced because it has no specific application in industry.

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