What is No? Important knowledge about No.

Definition of No

1.1 Common name: Nitrogen (No). English name: Nitrogen.

1.2 Atomic mass: Nitrogen has an atomic mass of 14.

1.3 Atomic weight: The atomic weight of nitrogen is 14 atomic mass units (u).

1.3.1 Molecular structure: A nitrogen molecule consists of two nitrogen atoms bonded together by a triple covalent bond, symbolized as N2.

1.4 Ion structure: Nitrogen can form negative ions NO3- and positive ions NO+.

  1. Properties of No

2.1 Physical properties of No: Nitrogen is gaseous, colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-toxic. The pH of nitrogen gas is 7 (neutral).

2.2 Chemical properties of No: Nitrogen is very inactive and does not react directly with other substances under normal conditions.

  1. Common chemical reactions with No: Nitrogen can react with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts under special conditions.

  2. Synthesis of No

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of No: In the laboratory, nitrogen is usually synthesized from ammonia (NH3) by heating it.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of No: Industrially, nitrogen is produced by taking air and passing it through a separation process using mechanical assembly.

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