What is GaI3? Important knowledge about GaI3.

  1. Definition of GaI3
    GaI3, also known as Iotua Gallium, is a chemical substance belonging to the group of iodide compounds of metals. In English, it is called Gallium(III) Iodide. Its atomic composition includes one Gallium (Ga) atom and three Iodine (I) atoms. Each Gallium atom has an atomic mass of 69.723 amu, while each Iodine atom has an atomic mass of 126.90447 amu. The molecular structure consists of a Gallium atom at the center surrounded by three Iodine atoms.

  2. Properties of GaI3
    2.1 Physical properties of GaI3: GaI3 is solid at room temperature, has a pinkish-red color, and does not have a particular odor. The pH of GaI3 is not clearly defined as it is insoluble in water.
    2.2 Chemical properties of GaI3: GaI3 can react with other substances to form new compounds.

  3. Common chemical equations of GaI3: As GaI3 is a fairly stable compound, it is not commonly involved in many chemical reactions.

  4. Synthesis of GaI3
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of GaI3: GaI3 can be synthesized by allowing Gallium to react with Iodine.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of GaI3: GaI3 is usually not produced on an industrial scale due to its limited applications.

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