The chemical equation NaHCO3 + H2SO4 -> Na2SO4 + H2O + 2CO2.

  1. The chemical equation above represents the chemical reaction that occurs between sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to produce sodium sulfate (Na2SO4), water (H2O), and carbon dioxide gas (CO2). This reaction is a type of acid-base reaction (also known as a proton exchange reaction).

  2. Reaction conditions: This reaction takes place under room temperature and pressure conditions. However, the reaction rate can increase at higher temperatures.

  3. Reaction process: When sodium bicarbonate interacts with sulfuric acid, it receives a proton from the acid to create water and CO2 gas. Sodium sulfate is also produced as a by-product.

  4. Observed phenomena: When sodium bicarbonate (usually in the form of white powder) is mixed with sulfuric acid, it will create a bubble of CO2 gas. The reaction products are sodium sulfate, a white solid, and water. One can observe the bubbling of CO2 gas and the solid product blending with the water.

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