What is U? Important knowledge about U.

  1. Definition of U

Uranium (U) is a chemical element with the symbol U and atomic number 92 in the periodic table. It was discovered by German scientist Martin Heinrich Klaproth in 1789.

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Uranium
1.1.2 English name: Uranium
1.2 Atomic number: 92
1.3 Atomic weight: 238.03
1.3.1 Molecular structure: Uranium is a chemical element so it does not have a molecular structure.
1.4 Ion structure: Uranium usually forms +4 and +6 valence ions.

  1. Properties of U

2.1 Physical properties of U
State: Solid
Color: Silver
Smell: Odorless
pH: Not applicable
2.2 Chemical properties of U: Uranium easily reacts with most oxidizing agents and has antibacterial properties.

  1. Common chemical equations of U

Uranium can have various reactions depending on the conditions and reactants.

  1. Synthesis of U

Uranium is usually extracted from uranium ores such as uraninite.

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of U
Uranium cannot be synthesized in the laboratory due to its special chemical and physical properties.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of U
Uranium is produced from ore using a series of processes including leaching, separation, and purification.

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