The equation Na2S + O2 -> Na2SO4

  1. Detailed information about the equation Na2S + O2 -> Na2SO4:
    This equation represents the oxidation reaction of sodium sulfide (Na2S) with oxygen (O2) to produce sodium sulfate (Na2SO4). This reaction mainly occurs under high temperature conditions.

  2. Reaction conditions:

    • Reactants: Sodium sulfide (Na2S) and oxygen (O2)
    • Condition: High temperature
    • Product: Sodium sulfate (Na2SO4)
  3. Reaction Process:
    When sodium sulfide (Na2S) encounters oxygen (O2) at high temperatures, they react with each other. This process occurs very quickly and vigorously, forming sodium sulfate (Na2SO4).

  4. Observable Phenomenon:
    When the reaction occurs, a color change can be observed, from the white color of sodium sulfide (Na2S) to the white color of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4). Additionally, heat is generated, leading to an increase in the surrounding environment’s temperature.

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