What is Ra? The important knowledge about Ra.

  1. Definition of Ra

Ra (Radium) is a chemical element with the symbol Ra and atomic number 88. Ra belongs to the alkaline earth metals group in the periodic table.
1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Radium
1.1.2 English name: Radium
1.2. Atomic number: 88
1.3. Atomic mass: Approximately 226
1.3.1 Molecular structure: Ra does not usually exist as a molecule, but usually exists as the ion Ra2+.
1.4 Ion structure: Ra usually exists as the ion Ra2+.

  1. Properties: Ra

2.1 Physical properties of Ra
State: Solid
Color: Silver white
Smell: Odorless
PH level: Not applicable
2.2 Chemical properties of Ra: Ra reacts vigorously with water to form H2 and Ra(OH)2. Radium also reacts with oxygen to form RaO.

  1. Common chemical equation of Ra
    Ra + 2H2O -> Ra(OH)2 + H2
  2. Synthesis of Ra

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Ra: Difficult due to the radioactivity of Radium.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Ra: Radium is produced from uraninite, a type of Uranium ore. The production process includes many complex steps, including extraction, separation and refining.

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