The equation Na2CO3 + H2SO4 -> 2NaHSO4 + CO2

  1. Detailed information about the equation Na2CO3 + H2SO4 -> 2NaHSO4 + CO2

The above equation describes the reaction process between sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to form sodium hydrogen sulfate (NaHSO4) and carbon dioxide gas (CO2).

  1. Reaction Conditions

The reaction conditions require sufficient temperature (around room temperature) and enough reactants.

  1. Reaction Process

Sodium carbonate is a salt of a strong base and a weak acid, so it has basic properties and can react with acid. When sodium carbonate encounters sulfuric acid, sodium and carbonate ions separate to form sodium ions and carbonate ions. Sodium ions combine with sulfate ions to form sodium hydrogen sulfate, and carbonate ions combine with hydrogen ions to form carbon dioxide gas, which escapes in gaseous form.

  1. Observed Phenomena

When sodium carbonate reacts with sulfuric acid, bubbles of carbon dioxide gas are observed escaping from the solution. After the reaction, solid sodium hydrogen sulfate is formed in the solution.

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