What is Rn? Important knowledge about Rn.

  1. Definition of Rn

Rn is the chemical symbol of Radon, a nonmetal element, the 86th chemical element in the periodic table. Radon belongs to the group of noble gases, primarily derived from the decay of Uranium and Thorium in the Earth’s crust.

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Radon
1.1.2 English name: Radon
1.2. Atomic mass: 222
1.3. Atomic weight: 222.017578 amu
1.3.1 Molecular structure: Radon is an elemental substance, existing in form of single atoms.
1.4 Ion structure: Radon rarely forms ions due to its stability.

  1. Properties: Rn

2.1 Physical properties of Rn
State: Gas
Color: Colorless
Smell: Odorless
PH: Not applicable because Radon is a gas
2.2 Chemical properties of Rn: Radon reacts very little chemically, mainly due to the characteristics of the atom having full electron shells.

  1. Common chemical equations of Rn
    Since Radon has very little chemical reaction, there are no examples of common chemical reactions with radon.

  2. Preparation of Rn

4.1 Laboratory preparation of Rn: Radon is usually produced by allowing other radioactive elements such as Uranium or Thorium to decay.
4.2 Industrial preparation of Rn: On an industrial scale, Radon is usually collected from Radon gas emitted from Uranium mines or Uranium mining furnaces.

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