The equation Al2O3 + 2NH4Cl -> 2(NH4)2AlO2 + 2HCl

  1. Detailed information about the reaction Al2O3 + 2NH4Cl -> 2(NH4)2AlO2 + 2HCl
    This equation represents the chemical reaction process between aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) to produce ammonium aluminate ((NH4)2AlO2) and hydrochloric acid (HCl). The number of moles of each involved substance is represented by the coefficients in the equation.

  2. Reaction conditions
    The chemical reaction between Al2O3 and NH4Cl usually occurs at high temperatures and normal pressure.

  3. Reaction process
    The reaction begins by dissolving Al2O3 in an NH4Cl solution, then the temperature is raised to stimulate the chemical reaction. The result is the formation of (NH4)2AlO2 and HCl.

  4. Occurring phenomena
    During the reaction process, changes in color, temperature, and pressure can be observed, due to the release of heat and the formation of new products. Specifically, (NH4)2AlO2 usually appears as a white solid, while HCl is a gas with a distinctive smell.

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