What is Al2Se4? Important knowledge about Al2Se4.

  1. Definition of Al2Se4

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Aluminium Selenide
1.1.2 English name: Aluminium Selenide
1.2. Atomic mass: Al2Se4 consists of 2 Al atoms and 4 Se atoms.
1.3. Atomic weight: Each Al atom has a weight of 26.98 amu and each Se atom has a weight of 78.96 amu. Therefore, the molar mass of Al2Se4 is 2(26.98) + 4(78.96) = 366.8 g/mol.
1.3.1 Molecular structure: The Al2Se4 molecule consists of 2 Al atoms bonded to 4 Se atoms.
1.4 Ion structure: Al2Se4 can form ions with different oxidation numbers depending on the reaction conditions.

  1. Properties: Al2Se4

2.1 Physical properties of Al2Se4
State: Solid
Color: Black
Odor: Odorless
pH: Not applicable as it is a non-water soluble solid
2.2 Chemical properties of Al2Se4: Highly reactive with water, producing toxic Selenide gas.

  1. Common chemical equations of Al2Se4
    Reaction with water:
    Al2Se4 + 6H2O -> 2Al(OH)3 + 2H2Se

  2. Synthesis of Al2Se4

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Al2Se4
Al + Se -> Al2Se4
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Al2Se4: Industrial scale production of Al2Se4 is not common due to the extreme toxicity of Selenide gas.

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