The chemical equation Al2O3 + 2HCl -> 2AlCl3 + 3H2O

  1. Detailed information about the chemical equation:
  • The above chemical equation represents the chemical reaction between aluminium oxide (Al2O3) and hydrochloric acid (HCl), resulting in aluminium chloride (AlCl3) and water (H2O). This equation also shows the mole ratio between the reacting substances and the product.
  • Al2O3: this is aluminium oxide, a white solid that is insoluble in water.
  • HCl: this is hydrochloric acid, a colorless liquid with a distinctive smell.
  • AlCl3: this is aluminium chloride, a white solid that is soluble in water.
  • H2O: this is water, a colorless, odorless liquid.
  1. Reaction conditions:
  • For the reaction to occur, appropriate temperature and pressure are required. Sometimes a catalyst is needed to accelerate the reaction speed.
  1. Reaction process:
  • When Al2O3 comes into contact with HCl, the aluminium atoms in Al2O3 combine with the chlorine atoms in HCl to form AlCl3. Simultaneously, the oxygen atoms in Al2O3 combine with the hydrogen atoms in HCl to form H2O.
  1. Phenomena that occur:
  • When the reaction occurs, we can see that the quantity of Al2O3 and HCl decreases, while the quantity of AlCl3 and H2O increases.

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