What is Al2Fe(CN)6? Important knowledge about Al2Fe(CN)6.

  1. Definition of Al2Fe(CN)6
    Al2Fe(CN)6, also known as hexacyanoferrate(III) or iron cyanide, is an inorganic chemical compound. This compound consists of two aluminum atoms, one iron atom, and six cyanide groups. It has a molecular weight of 609.7 g/mol. The molecular structure of this compound includes two positive aluminum ions, one negative iron ion, and six cyanide ions.

  2. Properties of Al2Fe(CN)6
    Al2Fe(CN)6 has distinctive physical and chemical properties. Physically, it is typically a powder, black in color, odorless, and has a neutral pH. Chemically, Al2Fe(CN)6 is capable of reacting with many other substances to form new products.

  3. Common chemical equations involving Al2Fe(CN)6
    As this compound can react with various substances, there are many chemical equations involving Al2Fe(CN)6, including reactions with metals, acids, non-metals and salts. However, as the reactivity also depends on environmental conditions, not all these reactions always occur.

  4. Preparation of Al2Fe(CN)6
    Al2Fe(CN)6 can be prepared in the laboratory or on an industrial scale. In the laboratory, it is commonly obtained from reactions between other chemicals such as aluminum, iron and cyanide. On an industrial scale, Al2Fe(CN)6 is usually produced from the reaction process between cyanide and a compound containing iron and aluminum.

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