What is BN? Important knowledge about BN.

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Provide 5 examples [if any]

  1. BN Applications
    List 5 practical applications of BN

  2. BN Toxic Substances
    Is it toxic or not?
    Effects on the body; provide 5 examples [if any]

Example of water (H2O):

  1. Definition: Water, also known as dihydrogen monoxide, is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid at room temperature. Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, with a total atomic mass of 18. Water can exist in several states: liquid, gas (water vapor), and solid (ice).

  2. Properties: Water is liquid at room temperature, colorless, odorless, and has a pH of approximately 7 when pure. Water has the ability to dissolve many inorganic and organic substances, known as polar substances.

  3. Common chemical equations: H2 + 1/2O2 -> H2O; H2O + CO2 -> H2CO3; 2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2 -> .

  4. Preparation: Water can be prepared through the combination of hydrogen and oxygen in air. In laboratories, water can be prepared from the chemical decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

  5. Applications: Water is widely used in daily life for drinking, cleaning, cooking, watering plants… It is also used in many industrial processes and chemical reactions.

  6. Toxic substances: Pure water is not toxic but if contaminated can cause various health problems such as diarrhea, respiratory infections and even death.

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