What is BaS? Important BaS Knowledge

  1. Definition of BaS

BaS, also known as Barium Sulfide, is an inorganic chemical with the formula BaS. The English name for it is Barium sulfide. In this formula, Ba represents the element Barium with an atomic mass of 137.33, and S stands for a sulfur atom with an atomic mass of 32.07. The structure of the BaS molecule consists of one Ba^2+ ion and one S^2- ion.

  1. Characteristics of BaS

2.1 Physical properties of BaS: BaS usually exists as a fine powder, black or dark brown in color, with no distinctive odor. This substance has a neutral pH level.

2.2 Chemical properties of BaS: BaS easily reacts with acids to form salts and hydrogen sulfide. It can also react to form barium oxide and sulfur when exposed to air.

  1. Common chemical equations of BaS:

3.1 Reaction with metals: BaS does not typically react with metals.

3.2 Reaction with acids: BaS + 2HCl -> BaCl2 + H2S
BaS + H2SO4 -> BaSO4 + H2S

3.3 Reaction with non-metals: BaS + O2 -> BaSO4

3.4 Reaction with salts: BaS does not typically react with salts.

  1. Preparation of BaS:

4.1 Laboratory preparation: BaS can be prepared by heating barium with sulfur.
4.2 Industrial preparation: In industry, BaS is usually produced by reducing barium sulfate (BaSO4) with coal at high temperatures.

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What is BaS? Important Knowledge about BaS.

  1. Definition of BaS:
    BaS or barium sulfide is a chemical compound of barium and sulfur. The English name for BaS is barium sulfide. The atomic mass of BaS is 169.39. The atomic masses of barium and sulfur are respectively 137.33 and 32.06. The molecular structure of BaS consists of one barium atom and one sulfur atom. The ionic structure of BaS is Ba2+ and S2-.

  2. Properties:
    2.1 Physical properties of BaS: BaS is solid, colorless, odorless and has neutral PH.
    2.2 Chemical properties of BaS: BaS reacts easily with oxidizing agents, acids and also easily reacts with water to form hydrogen sulfide.

  3. Common chemical equations of BaS:
    BaS does not react with metals, acids, and non-metals.

  4. Preparation of BaS:
    4.1 Laboratory preparation of BaS: BaS can be prepared by reacting barium (Ba) with sulfur (S) at high temperature.
    4.2 Industrial preparation of BaS: BaS is industrially produced by heating barite (BaSO4) with carbon in an electric furnace.

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