What is B5N5H10? Important Knowledge about B5N5H10.

  1. Definition of B5N5H10

B5N5H10, also known as Pentaborane(9) or Pentaboran, is an organic compound consisting of 5 boron atoms, 5 nitrogen atoms and 10 hydrogen atoms. In the B5N5H10 molecule, boron and nitrogen atoms bond together to form a five-pointed star structure, where hydrogen atoms are outer peripheral atoms.

  1. Properties of B5N5H10

2.1 Physical properties of B5N5H10: B5N5H10 is a colorless liquid with a very unpleasant odor. It is insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents.

2.2 Chemical properties of B5N5H10: B5N5H10 is very sensitive to air, prone to explode when it comes into contact with air. It can also react with strong oxidizing agents.

  1. Chemical equation of B5N5H10: Due to its flammability and explosive properties, B5N5H10 is often used in chemical reactions involving high temperatures and high pressures.

  2. Synthesis of B5N5H10

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of B5N5H10: B5N5H10 can be synthesized by heating a mixture of boron trichloride and ammonia at high temperatures under high pressures.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of B5N5H10: In industry, B5N5H10 is often synthesized using advanced methods such as plasma chemistry or the reaction of boron with hydrogen at high temperatures.

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