The equation FeSO4 + Na2S2O4 -> Na2SO4 + Fe2(S2O4)3

  1. Detailed information about the equation:

    • FeSO4 (Iron(II) sulfate) and Na2S2O4 (Sodium dithionite) react with each other to form Na2SO4 (Sodium sulfate) and Fe2(S2O4)3 (Iron(III) dithionite).
    • This reaction is a redox reaction. FeSO4 is oxidized from oxidation state II to oxidation state III, while Na2S2O4 is reduced from oxidation state +6 to oxidation state +4.
  2. Reaction conditions: The reaction occurs at room temperature and standard pressure.

  3. Reaction process: First, you will need to prepare a solution of FeSO4 and a solution of Na2S2O4. When you mix these two solutions together, the reaction will start to occur, producing Na2SO4 and Fe2(S2O4)3.

  4. Occurring phenomena: The initial solution is blue (due to FeSO4) will turn to reddish-brown when Fe2(S2O4)3 is formed. Additionally, there may be a release of heat, creating a warm sensation when you touch the reaction container.

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