What is B2O5? Important knowledge about B2O5

  1. Definition of B2O5

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common Name: B2O5 is commonly known as Boron pentoxide.
1.1.2 English Name: The English name for B2O5 is Boron pentoxide.
1.2 Atomic Structure: B2O5 consists of 2 boron atoms and 5 oxygen atoms.
1.3 Atomic Mass: The atomic mass of B2O5 is 141.61.
1.3.1 Molecular Structure: The B2O5 molecule consists of 2 boron atoms and 5 oxygen atoms.
1.4 Ion Structure: B2O5 does not form ions.

  1. Properties of B2O5

2.1 Physical Properties of B2O5
State: Solid under laboratory conditions.
Color: White.
Odor: Odorless.
PH: Does not contain H+ so PH is not calculated.
2.2 Chemical Properties of B2O5: B2O5 has a strong oxidizing property and can react with water to form boronic acid H3BO3.

  1. Common Chemical Equations of B2O5
    Metal Reaction: B2O5 + 6Na -> 2NaBO2 + Na2O.
    Acid Reaction: B2O5 + 3H2SO4 -> 2H3BO3 + 3SO3.
    Non-Metal Reaction: B2O5 + 5C -> 2B + 5CO.
    Reaction with Salt: B2O5 does not react with salt.

  2. Preparation of B2O5

4.1 Laboratory Preparation of B2O5: Heating boron in air produces B2O5.
4.2 Industrial Preparation of B2O5: It is prepared by burning boron in air.

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