What is TeO2? Important knowledge about TeO2.

  1. Definition of TeO2

TeO2, commonly known as Tellurium Dioxide in English. This is a colorless compound of tellurium and oxygen. The TeO2 molecule consists of one Tellurium (Te) atom and two Oxygen (O) atoms, with the atomic mass of Tellurium being 127.6 amu, and that of Oxygen being 16 amu. Therefore, the atomic mass of TeO2 is 159.6 amu. The TeO2 molecule has a trigonal pyramidal structure.

  1. Properties of TeO2

2.1 Physical properties of TeO2

TeO2 is solid at room temperature. This substance is colorless, odorless and has a neutral pH.

2.2 Chemical properties of TeO2

TeO2 is insoluble in water but soluble in acid. This oxide has the ability to resist corrosion and is stable against oxidation.

  1. Common chemical equations of TeO2

Typically, TeO2 is mainly used in oxidation reactions.

  1. Synthesis of TeO2

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of TeO2

TeO2 is usually synthesized by heating tellurite with oxygen at a temperature of 500 degrees C.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of TeO2

On an industrial scale, TeO2 is produced by heating tellurite in air.

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